Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Coining New Words

Just as my brain was catching up to the end of the last century (remember that?) along comes a new word that shocks me into this one.
The word?


I really wish I could take credit for this one, but the props go to someone else - I'm voting for James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal. He's the only one who works for a big newspaper that I've seen use it so eloquently.

Please see for yourself on the Wall Street Journal site:

Now others may have used this before, some back as far as 2008, but none have used it more nobly or with greater concern for the reader.(Okay James, I'm done sucking up - please mention my blog in some upcoming article - you flat out inspired me!)

After reading this article, and affirming how much I dislike politics, (including celeb-politicos, left wing pundits, right wing pundits, conservative pundits, liberal pundits, middle of the road fence sitting don't know anything at all pundits, hill dwellers...okay, you get the point), I discovered I was once again AMUSED AT POLITICS.
(Please tell us why, please?)

All I could think of was definitions for PALINOIA, and why no other names seem to fit!
Take OBAMANOIA, GUILIANOIA, BUSHNOIA, RICHARDSONNOIA (not to be confused with Richardsons Dilemma), REGANOIA (close), CARTERNOIA, CLINTONOIA (also close). I tried so many different names. Some of the ones I could be really scared of do not work - LIMBAUGHNOIA (sounds like something you might catch on a Caribbean vacation), BECKNOIA, COLINOIA (which I think some people actually have) or GAROFALONOIA (which I think I had once). Oh there's many more...you just thought of three I did not.

But c'mon - let's break this down in the best bipartisan way possible. A definition will be needed for PALINOIA before next year's cultural dictionary words are added, and I think I'm on to something.

PALINOIA - defined (somewhat)
1. Waking up from a dream with a moose in your bedroom and no rifle to kill it (Republican)
2. Waking up from a dream with a rifle in your bedroom and no moose to kill (Republican, Right)
3. Waking up from a dream about Sarah Palin and finding Nancy Pelosi in your bedroom (Republican, Nightmare)
4. Waking up from a dream about Sarah Palin with no moose and no rifle in your bedroom but an odd feeling you've been bad (14 year old dream, see also Cheney, Dick)
5. Waking up from a dream about Hillary Clinton with a moose in your bedroom (see Friends of Bill, W)
6. Waking up from a dream about Al Gore being elected  President and realizing he looked exactly like George Dukakis (Democrat, far, far, far Left).
7. Waking up from a dream about Michele Obama and realizing the State of the Union speech is still on (Democrat, bored)
8. Waking up from a dream about Michele Obama and realizing she's hotter than Sarah Palin (Democrat)
9. Waking up from a dream about President Obama, President Bush, some jobs, a moose and a rifle (Centrist)
10. Waking up from a dream about Putin and Medeyev, realizing there's no food, jobs or any economic hopes whatsoever but a GREAT supply of Vodka, and that's Okay (Bolshevik)
11. Waking up from a dream about the terror reign of the Duvaliers, and realizing it wasn't a dream because one just came back to your country as a free man (Haitian, nightmare)
12. Waking up from a dream about Sarah Palin and realizing it wasn't a dream, but a historical recap of the past two years (Democrat, nightmare)
13. Waking about from a dream about President Nixon, and realizing you've just had 18 1/2 minutes of your life erased (Democrat, really scary nightmare)
14. Waking up from a dream about Ralph Nader, and realizing it was a nightmare (almost everyone)
15. Waking up from a dream about Christine O'Donnell and realizing if you had dropped out of school, lied a bit and gone into politics, it could have been YOU (Tea Party, sigh)
16. Waking up from a dream about Christine O'Donnell, and realizing it was really Rand Paul in drag (Tea Party, nightmare)

I know people are going to give me better than I gave, but this has to start somewhere.
I'm glad to say I do not think I have palinoia. I have a healthy fear of ALL things political. But Sarah Palin does make a great poster child!

Next week -
Nixon tapes finally reconstructed and missing 18 1/2 minutes brought back - turns out they were listening to the Concert version of  Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Free Bird" -
Analysis from guest blogger Henry Kissinger

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it!!! change my email to dhdrhill@gmail.com so I get the next one sooner... <3
